The Library and Resource Centre

The Library and Information Centre is a spacious building located behind the Handfuls of Happiness Courtyard. The library houses an extensive collection of Fiction and Non-Fiction books as well as reference and teacher reference materials.

The Library and Information Centre aims to engender a love of literature and lifelong learning in its patrons. It provides a range of print and electronic resources to support student learning outcomes and meet the recreational needs of all students and staff.

The Library and Information Centre has a strong focus on working collaboratively with teachers to deliver services and programs that promote confidence and skill in reading and empower staff and students to locate and use information efficiently and effectively.

The Library and Information Centre operates every Monday to Friday during school terms. Each class from Kindergarten to Year 6 has at least one timetabled library session per week. Extra sessions may be scheduled by class teachers when required.

There are two main teaching areas within the library. The first area is used for story times and group instruction. The second features our learning support area where we run literacy intervention programs and support for students with English as an Additional Language or Dialect.

Additional spaces within the library include quiet areas with beanbags and a couch for students to relax and read, and areas with drawing materials, construction materials and board games for before school and lunchtime relaxation.

Opening Hours

In addition to timetabled lessons, the library is open from 8.30am-8.50am every morning and at lunch times from 1.15pm - 1.45pm for book returns/borrowing, reading, board games and computer use.

Borrowing Limits

Students in Preschool may borrow 1 book at a time, students in Kindergarten to Year 2 may borrow two books at a time and students in Years 3-6 may borrow up to four books at a time. Students wishing to change their books more frequently than their weekly class lesson may do so on any weekday, either before school or at lunch times. All loans are for two weeks, however, items may be renewed if students need longer to finish reading a particular book. Any lost books are required to be reported.